Beijing Comens New Materials Co., Ltd.
Beijing Comens New Materials Co., Ltd.

The Advantages of Water Brone Adhesives for Flexible Packaging?

Jul 07 , 2024

With the increasing awareness of environmental protection,water borne adhesives are being used more and more widely in the flexible packaging industry. As a leading company in the domestic high-performance polyurethane adhesive industry, COMENS's water-based adhesive products have been favored by a wide range of users due to their unique advantages. Today, let's learn more about the advantages of flexible packaging water borne adhesives!

Water Borne Adhesives Are Environmentally Friendly and Non-polluting

Traditional solvent-based adhesives release harmful gases during production and use, causing harm to the environment and human health. However, water borne adhesives use water as a solvent, do not leave solvent residues after drying, and do not release harmful gases, fully meeting environmental protection requirements. Choosing water borne adhesives is choosing a green and healthy future.

Water Borne Adhesives Have High Composite Strength, Improving Product Quality

Although water borne adhesives have a high molecular weight, their adhesive force mainly relies on van der Waals forces, which are physical adsorption. This characteristic allows water borne adhesives to achieve a very high composite strength with a small amount of application. Compared with traditional solvent-based adhesives, water borne adhesives require a lower amount of application but have a higher composite strength. This not only reduces production costs but also improves the overall quality of the product.

Water Borne Adhesives Have Good Flexibility, Suitable for More Materials

Compared with two-component polyurethane adhesives, single-component water borne adhesives are softer. When fully cured, polyurethane adhesives may seem relatively rigid, while water borne adhesives retain good softness and elasticity. This feature makes water borne adhesives particularly suitable for aluminum-plated film composites, effectively preventing the transfer problem of aluminum-plated film and enhancing the appearance and durability of the product.

Water Borne Adhesives Do Not Require Curing, Improving Production Efficiency

Using water borne adhesives for laminating, the product can proceed to subsequent processes such as cutting and bag-making without the need for a curing process. This feature greatly shortens the production cycle and improves production efficiency. At the same time, since the main drying object of water borne adhesives is water, drying speed is faster, further enhancing production efficiency.

The initial viscosity of COMENS water borne adhesives is moderate, and the adhesive concentration is high, forming a thin and uniform adhesive layer. This makes the laminated product highly transparent, fully showcasing its beauty and texture. Whether for food packaging or daily necessities packaging, using water borne adhesives makes the product shine with captivating charm.

Considering the various advantages of water borne adhesives, not only can it effectively control costs, but it can also bring more additional benefits to enterprises. Factors such as no curing required and reduced composite losses can save a lot of costs for enterprises. Meanwhile, the environmentally friendly and non-polluting characteristics also comply with market trends and policy requirements, helping to enhance the brand image and competitiveness of enterprises.

In summary, COMENS water borne adhesives demonstrate strong competitiveness in the flexible packaging industry due to its environmental protection, high strength, good flexibility, no curing required, thin and high transparency adhesive layers, and cost reduction advantages. Choosing COMENS water borne adhesives means choosing a high-quality, high-efficiency, and cost effective production method!